Mar. 21, 2023–The Campaign for Healthier Solutions gathered at the Chicano Park Museum and Cultural Center for a strategic planning meeting.
JTA has been a long-standing member of the Local Food Solutions (LFS) initiative, along with Agri-Cultura Network, Los Jardines Institute, Coming Clean, Health Care Without Harm, Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Campaign for Healthier Solutions.
Local Food Solutions is currently working with Dollar General stores in New Mexico to provide organic, locally grown and processed salsas, baby foods, and in the future fresh produce, at affordable prices in environmental justice communities that lack conventional grocery stores. This pilot project represents the Campaign for Healthier Solutions’ just transition strategy and supports their work to eliminate toxic pollution.
The Campaign for Healthier Solutions (CHS) has made great strides to compel dollar store chains to clean up their act, getting commitments to eliminate toxic products and restrict harmful chemicals in plastics, food containers, and receipts. Read about CHS’ success in pressuring Dollar General to commit to join the Chemical Footprint project here. As this powerful campaign continues to escalate, CHS will further tighten coordination with LFS and other partners while holding dollar stores accountable to rigorous health and safety standards.
These are huge, important steps toward achieving healthy and sustainable communities through real grassroots solutions led by those communities themselves. We look forward to sharing more good news soon. Read more about Local Food Solutions and the Campaign for Healthier Solutions on their websites.