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For Immediate Release: Organization Statements Against Plastic Credits and Bonds in the GPT
November 30, 2024December 2, 2024Environmental Justice, Featured, Just Transition, News Releasesby Fernando Tormos-Aponte
JTA at UN Convention on Biological Diversity
November 6, 2024December 2, 2024Conference of the Profiteers (COP), Environmental Justice, False Solutions, Featured, Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, Just Transitionby JTA Team
Training and Tour in Modesto and The Bay
August 30, 2024September 15, 2024Environmental Justice, Featured, Just Transition, Toxic Chemicals, Toxic Productsby Nona Chai
IEN’s Protecting Mother Earth Conference Centers Indigenous Just Transition
August 12, 2024September 12, 2024Environmental Justice, False Solutions, Featured, Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, Just Transitionby Nona Chai
Demanding a Voice at the UN Climate Conference
July 1, 2024July 25, 2024Conference of the Profiteers (COP), Environmental Justice, False Solutions, Featured, Just Transitionby Fernando Tormos-Aponte
Just Transition Allies: Environmental Justice Communities Against Plastics
June 16, 2024June 16, 2024Environmental Justice, Featured, Just Transition, Toxic Chemicals, Toxic Productsby Tyler Norman