Líderes Campesinas

For decades, the hard work of campesinas (farmworker women) has built and fed California. Líderes Campesinas is a growing movement where we come together to advocate for and win what our communities need.

We build on the long legacy of women using organizing, outreach, and grassroots mobilization to improve the lives of farmworker communities. Our origins stretch back to 1988 in the Coachella Valley: due to immigration status, lack of formal education, and abusive work conditions, women were susceptible to violence in the fields and in their homes. Using theater and storytelling as educational tools, these women came together to raise awareness about their rights and connected women to resources to disrupt the violence.

Now, we are a statewide network of powerful advocates based in sixteen farm working communities where we impact thousands of women and their families. We organize to create healthier working conditions, safer environments, and engaged women leaders. Líderes Campesinas focuses on the inherent power and leadership of farmworker women because when we invest in them, we take care of entire families and communities.