Photo: MacKenzie Marcelin at COP26, Glasgow
by Tyler Norman
On Nov. 6-18, 2022, a Just Transition Alliance and Central Florida Jobs with Justice delegation of workers and environmental justice community leaders will join the It Takes Roots coalition of frontline community leaders in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt for the 27th Conference of the Parties (“Profiteers”) hosted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
JTA will bring the experiences of EJ communities and rank and file workers of local and international unions—perspectives that are sorely needed in a milieu of high-level government and corporate negotiators pursuing even more profit and power—to stand firmly against false solutions to climate change such as carbon markets, aka “pollution trading”; unproven risky technologies like carbon sequestration and other forms of geoengineering; burning hydrogen, trash, and trees; and so-called “green energy” that is actually very destructive and not renewable at all, like hydropower megadams and nuclear power.
We’re excited to once again work with our ITR comrades in sharing on-the-ground stories of the dangers of false solutions proposed by corporate scammers and to lift up the real solutions led by local communities and workers. We hope to engage with key influencers and decision-makers, pushing hard conversations about which proposals do or do not lead us into a just transition for a sustainable future.
Watch for updates and announcements from JTA before and during COP27. This is a critical moment for our efforts, and we will work hard to do our part in mobilizing grassroots resistance to corporate false solutions and advocacy for equitable, empowering, and diverse pathways to persevere through the storms, droughts, fires and floods headed our way. More soon!