Category: Hoodwinked in the Hothouse
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“Hey Joe, don’t make it bad” – choose community solutions over dirty energy
April 23, 2023March 19, 2024Environmental Justice, False Solutions, Featured, Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, Just Transitionby Nona Chai
Upcoming Webinars on Climate False Solutions
April 14, 2023June 13, 2024Environmental Justice, False Solutions, Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, Just Transition, Videos & Podcastsby Tyler Norman
Hoodwinked in the Hothouse IV: Greenwashing Disaster Capital
July 19, 2022March 19, 2024Environmental Justice, False Solutions, Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, Just Transitionby Tyler Norman
Would Build Back Better Burn Billion$?
February 21, 2022March 19, 2024Environmental Justice, False Solutions, Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, Just Transitionby AC Asman