Join us for the Peoples’ Climate Week event at The New School (NYC) comprised of two parts: the launch (9/18) and the following teach-in (09/19). Peoples’ Climate Week is a counter-space to mainstream NYC Climate Week events where movements advance a Peoples’ Agenda to interrupt and disrupt the promotion of false solutions to climate change and other crises, such as often advanced by corporate, governmental and big NGO actors in NYC Climate Week fora, the UN Ambitions Summit and UN Conferences of Parties.
Join us for a teach-in led by EJ/CJ frontline and BIPOC organizers on real versus false climate solutions.
Crystal Cavalier, No Mountain Valley Pipeline campaign
Juan Mancias, Frontlines of LNG pipelines in Texas
Jose Bravo, Just Transition Alliance
Panganga Pungowiyi, Indigenous Environmental Network
Julia Bernal, Pueblo Action Alliance
Natalie Jeffers, The Black Climate Mandate
Mohiba Ahmed, Desis Rising Up & Moving (DRUM)
Moñeka De Oros, feminist anti-militarismBrittany DeBarros, feminist anti-militarism

Presented by It Takes Roots and the Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management (EPSM) Program and Tishman Environment and Design Center (TEDC) at The New School.