GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past 10 years, this idea has grown into a year-round global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. Taking place this year on November 29, 2022, GivingTuesday is an opportunity for people around the world to stand together in unity—to use their individual power of generosity to remain connected and heal.
Why GivingTuesday Matters to the Just Transition Alliance
The work we do at the Just Transition Alliance each day is grounded in the focus to help communities heal, thrive and become whole again from generations of toxic pollution and exploitation of our land, physical labor and natural resources by corporate billionaires, politicians and profiteers. These threats continue to exist today in alarming ways with current legislation and corporate decision-making that will ultimately continue to harm communities of color, low-income communities, Indigenous people and workers.
You can be part of the solution: This GivingTuesday, we hope to raise $4,000 for the continuation of our educational programming and organizing efforts to create a just transition to a clean and safe future for the most vulnerable workers and communities. Scroll on to learn more or click below now to make a donation.
Thank you on behalf of the Just Transition Alliance team!
What We’re Fighting Against
False Promises
False Solutions
What We’re Fighting For
Real Solutions
Climate Justice
Our Principles
Chemical Policy
Successes & History
Voices of Workers & Communities
@jtalliance Chris Furino of Central Florida Jobs with Justice, shares why they are at #COP27 as part of the Workers and Communities delegation. #JustTransition #JustTransitionNotNetZero #NoNetZero #ClimateReparations #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #ItTakesRoots #KeepItInTheGround ♬ original sound - Just Transition Alliance
@jtalliance Norman Rogers, second vice president of United Steelworkers Local 675, talks about a just transition for all workers that doesn’t require implementing false solutions to climate change. Learn more in this video as Norman participates in the Workers and Communities delegation along with #ItTakesRoots while at #COP27. Recording and interview by Hendrik Voss of Climate Justice Alliance. #JustTransition #KeepItInTheGround #JustTransitionNotNetZero #Hoodwinked #NoNetZero #COP27 #ClimateReparations #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #ItTakesRoots #JustTransitionAlliance ♬ original sound - Just Transition Alliance
@jtalliance The Workers and Communities delegation joined with #ItTakesRoots are at #COP27 to protest climate false solutions that will only continue to harm communities of color and low-income communities. We need to keep fossil fuels in the ground. We are also calling for a #justtransition that grows local economies to scale—not global economies that only line the pockets of the mega-rich. Our Executive Director José Bravo explains: #KeepItInTheGround #JustTransitionNotNetZero #NoNetZero #COP27 #ClimateReparations #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentalJustice ♬ original sound - Just Transition Alliance
@jtalliance Edgar Franks of Familias Unidas por la Justicia joins the Workers and Communities delegation and #ItTakesRoots at #COP27. At a panel Edgar was on, he talked about the different stages his union has gone through and their version of a #justtransition. As workers, going from not having a lot of rights to organizing, getting a collective bargaining agreement, their own contract and then union. Hear more from Edgar. #JustTransition #KeepItInTheGround #JustTransitionNotNetZero #PeopleOverProfits #Hoodwinked #NoNetZero #COP27 #ClimateReparations #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #ItTakesRoots #justtransitionalliance ♬ original sound - Just Transition Alliance
@jtalliance Our Strategy Advisor Ananda Lee Tan is at #COP27 as part of the Workers and Communities delegation and #ItTakesRoots; we are urging global leaders to pick a side. Are the on side of dangerous polluters or in the side of communities and people? #JustTransition #KeepItInTheGround #JustTransitionNotNetZero #PeopleOverProfits #Hoodwinked #NoNetZero #COP27 #ClimateReparations #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #ItTakesRoots #justtransitionalliance ♬ original sound - Just Transition Alliance
@jtalliance There is no cookie cutter approach to #JustTransition—but both workers and communities are essential in a just transition. Just Transition Alliance Executive Director José Bravo explains more in this video. He also talks about how the #UNFCCC is using #justtransition language that promotes climate #falsesolutions such as nuclear energy and hydrogen. José joins Central Florida Jobs with Justice, Familias Unidas por la Justicia and United Steelworkers Local 675 as part of the Workers & Communities delegation and #ItTakesRoots. #JustTransition #JustTransitionNotNetZero #NoNetZero #COP27 #ClimateReparations #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #ItTakesRoots #KeepItInTheGround @josetoscano2022 ♬ original sound - Just Transition Alliance